The more you observe how sheeple respond to vaxx mandates – and far too many other policies coming out of DC – makes you wonder how dumb can you get and still breathe?
The answer?
Pretty dumb.
In fact, we’re witnessing stupidity on steroids when it comes to ignorance caused by laziness or unwillingness to distinguish truth from deception.
Case in point.
The vast majority of sheeple believed that we only needed “Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve” regarding the CoronaHoax.
And that our lives will return to normal…IF we simply obey the Globalist Overlords demands and comply with their nefarious agenda.
So, how’s that working out so far?
And, in addition to the ongoing dumbing down of America, the Boyz in the “Club” are setting up the masses for the next slaughter in the stock market.
Rest assured it won’t happen until the 99% are completely wrong.
That’s right.
The 1% NEEDS the 99% to be wrong in order for them to make fortunes…at your expense.
And when the SHTF they’ll be the first to say, “I’m shocked I tell you…Shocked. Who could’ve foreseen this happening?”
How Dumb Can You Get?
And it should come as no surprise when the sheeple fall for Wall Street’s “back of the shampoo bottle instruction” aka: wash, rinse, repeat method of getting you to Zig while they Zag.
Ironically (or NOT) when Wall Street sets up the 99% for failure is also when you either see OR miss opportunities of a lifetime.
And they’re betting on you missing them.
On another “How dumb can you get and still breathe?” theme:
After seeing the VAERS statistics published about adverse effects from the ClotShot (See yesterday’s email HERE) you’d have to be totally brain dead to believe the vaxx is 100% Safe and Effective.
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…
The Boyz behind the scene are betting that you’ll ignore the VAERS numbers just like most will ignore the ongoing destruction of the bond markets.
“Connecting the Dots,” yet?
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