Politicians NEVER admit they’re wrong.
Instead, they’d rather create a new law or policy to cover-up their lies and mistakes. Sad to say their “solutions” to the problems THEY created create bigger problems for us taxpayers.
And the biggest part of their cover-up involves blaming someone else to take the focus off of them.
It’s called the “distraction de jour.”
2019 will be the political year from hell…with the focus being on impeaching Trump and more gun control.
If you think I’m kidding, simply look at how the blame game has played out up to this point:
- It’s not the Clinton-era repeal of The Glass Steagall Act leading to cosmic asset bubbles, it’s the Trump team, of course.
- It’s not the dismantling of the manufacturing sector over a generation, only to export inflation off shore, it’s the Trump team.
- It’s not the various free trade deals that forced retail to buy in countries where workers are cheap it’s the Trump team.
- It’s not the out of control health care system that eats up almost all discretionary income, it’s the Trump team.
- It’s not the massive redirection of liquidity to off-shore havens, it’s the Trump team.
Are you seeing the pattern yet?
Trump wasn’t even in politics when all of the above happened.
Keeping the focus off the real problems while blaming someone else is one of the oldest tricks in the book.
This will only get worse as 2019 progresses.
Learn how to work the Congress “blame game” to your advantage in our January newsletter.
Click here
Enjoy the game.
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