Everyone who has ever worked on Wall Street has learned that you can not judge an investor by the size of their portfolio.
Because they believe that everyone is a potential sucker for Wall Street’s land mines.
And they go out of their way to make it easy for the average investor to get blown up in their carefully disguised land mines.
So, if this is true – and it is – this raises the following question:
How can you not judge them by their criminal behavior?
This also applies to:
- Most politicians (Dems and Republicans)
- Big Pharma
- The Oil Industry
- The Tobacco Industry
- Anthony Frauduci
- Klaus Schwab and his Great Reset
- Planned Parenthood
- Assorted Billionaires including Big Tech/Social Media Giants
- BLM/Antifa
- Most Major Media Presstitutes
And that’s just for openers.
By now, some of you might be thinking: “This Vincent character is quite the hypocrite.
And doesn’t he know that the Bible says:”
“Judge not, that ye be not judged.”
~ Matt 7:1 ~
Yes, I’m quite aware of what the Bible says.
So, let me remind you that it also says:
“Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world?”
~ 1 Corinthians 6:2 ~
How Can You Not Judge…
Don’t get me wrong.
I’m not saying everyone is a saint…especially those on Wall Street.
But I am saying that when you’ve spent nearly four decades on Wall Street, you become pretty good at separating the “wheat from the chaff.”
And it’s easy for us to judge the actions of the group listed about.
As a result, that’s why we post these free emails every day.
We give you a “Peek behind the curtain” as to how the financial world really works.
At the same time, we illustrate how everything is connected…Everything.
And when you learn how to Connect the Dots, you’ll make the Wall Street Gurus look like a bunch of hacks.
See for yourself (HERE).
And share this with a friend…even if they won’t admit to judging others.
But remind them: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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