Is it just me or does anyone else get annoyed when the majority of people refer to Ukraine as “The Ukraine?”
Who calls Germany “The Germany,” or Italy “The Italy,” or any country “The (fill in the blank)?”
See my point?
The recent spotlight on Ukraine, (not THE Ukraine) courtesy of the Biden family, only scratches the surface of its historical nature of corruption.
Maybe it has something to do with Ukraine’s Oligarchs who, for decades, have robbed their nation blind.
Maybe it’s because Ukraine (not THE Ukraine) is being used as a focal point since the whole “Russiagate” narrative fell apart like a $2 suitcase.
Or maybe the alleged laundering of BILLIONS of dollars through Ukraine (not THE Ukraine) is Putin’s way of getting back at all those who accused him of interfering with our elections (Read: Let’s give credit where credit is due).
He’s probably eating popcorn, watching the circus clowns perform while listening to “Cry Me a River” in the background. (Note: Russia’s annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014 was the result of the aftermath of the Ukrainian revolution. It was stoked by the Obama administrations economic sanctions imposed on Russia. This contributed to the collapse in value of the Russian ruble, and the resulting Russian financial crisis).
Putin’s swift annexation of Crimea assured Russian naval dominance in The Black Sea. (Well played, Mr. Putin…very well played.)
Did you know there’s been an ongoing war in Ukraine since the sanctions began in 2014?
Are you “Connecting Some Dots” here?
What’s so obviously wrong with Ukraine is that the vast majority of people are clueless when it comes to knowing anything about the country, it’s people, culture, politics, or even it’s president.
FYI, his name is Volodymyr Zelensky. And he had absolutely no political experience when he became Ukraine’s president after an April 2019 election that he won in a landslide.
Global dominoes are falling…read how this all comes together in 2020, The Year of Chaos, (HERE).
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