Don’t you find it strange how, only a few weeks ago, the often-violent demonstrations in Hong Kong – against Chinese oppression – has practically disappeared?
While we’re at it, what’s been happening with the often-violent “Yellow Vest” demonstrations in France over increased taxes?
On any given weekend you’d see anywhere from 500,000 to 1 Million protesters flooding the streets in Hong Kong.
When it came to pure numbers, the Frenchie’s got dwarfed but remember, their protests started way back in November 2018.
So, what happened to these angry mobs?
Did the protestors suddenly lose interest in their cause?
Cue up the Coronavirus/Kung Flu outbreak.
There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned pandemic to clear the streets of those “pesky protestors.”
It kinda makes you wonder if the “Tin-Foil Hat” wearing crowd’s claim of using the Coronavirus as a bio-weapon is a reality.
Not only has the fear of Kung Flu cleared the streets, it’s also set the tone for a massive melt-down in business revenues across the globe.
Could this be a way to sabotage the recent “trade wars” agreement between the US and China?
Inquiring minds want to know.
One thing for sure is the markets will move in anticipation of the effects of this on companies’ earnings.
In Plain English that means…get ready!
Since last fall we’ve been pounding the table about how 2020, The Year of Chaos is gonna rock your boat in more ways than you expect.
The question remains…Will you take the bait and get pounded or listen to the markets and profit through the imminent chaos?
Find out how to Connect the Dots in our February issue of “…In Plain English.”
And share this with a friend…they’ll thank YOU later.
No more hong kong protestors
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