Since last week’s Hamas attack on Israel, we still question if it was a false flag to start WW3.
And since last week we now know more of what took place.
As a result, we ask you to consider the following:
- Israel did not respond to the attack for many hours
- This is not realistically possible
- There is no way that 1,000 people could breach the Gaza defense in 15 places, and nobody knew
- Because the technology there will be triggered if a cat touches the fence
- They (Israel) have killer drones that will shoot directly at anything that breaches the fence
- Claiming Iran hacked that security is not plausible
- Because none of the private communications in that area were impacted
So where does that leave us?
One thing we know is that Palestine does NOT have a military.
And the terrorist group Hamas contains between 30,000 and 40,000 fighters.
But only a few hundred are believed to have received proper training.
Hamas does NOT have an air force or any naval power.
By contrast, Israel has one of the most advanced defense forces in the world.
False Flags and WW3
These are only a few reasons why we believe the recent attack was a false flag to draw Russia into WW3.
And at the risk of generating hate mail, we see this a possible David vs Goliath in reverse.
Wait! What?
So, consider this:
- The International Institute for Strategic Studies’ (IISS) Military Balance 2023 states that Israel has 169,500 active-duty military members, with another 465,000 in the reserve forces.
- Every adult in the nation has received proper basic military training.
- Israel has over 2,000 main battle tanks and 615 heavy infantry fighting vehicles (while Hamas currently has 0.)
- Israel’s impressive air force has 196 F-16 fighter planes, 83 F-15, 36 F-35, 140 military helicopters, and 43 Apache attack helicopters.
- They also have five submarines and 49 battleships.
- Then there is the once-thought-to-be impenetrable Iron Dome, and, most importantly, nuclear weapons.
Adding gasoline to this fire… Israel has a defense budget of around $23.6 billion.
America and other nations have been funding Israel’s military, with America alone providing $118 billion since 1949.
And the O’Biden Administration has pledged an additional $2 billion in supplementary funding, and other Western nations will follow.
Again, Palestine does not have a military – at all.
Hamas uses the people of Palestine as human shields as their main defense system.
And with the US Navy being deployed (including two aircraft carriers) to the Mediterranean Sea this begs the question:
Are we sending extremely advanced technology to defeat a few hundred barely trained ground soldiers and fight against an AirForce that consists of paragliders who managed to bypass the IRON DOME?
Bottom line?
We are preparing for WW3
And if you can’t see that, then you won’t see how the markets will catch most investors off guard.
Don’t be one of them.
Instead, read our October issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE) and learn how to NOT get abused by the Wall Street Banksters.
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