WARNING: Images below may be offensive to the politically sensitive mind.
If the classic 1968 horror film, Night of the Living Dead was filmed today it would be titled Night of the Living Dems.
Because surprisingly there are a lot of parallels between the living dead in 1968 with many of today’s leaders from the party of peaceful protesters.
In the original film a disparate group of individuals takes refuge in an abandoned house in rural Pennsylvania after seeing zombies/corpses begin to leave the graveyard in search of fresh human bodies to devour.
The parallel here is how America is seeking refuge from the District of Caligula’s zombies which are desperately in need of bodies (and tax dollars) to devour.
And much like our economy, the DC Zombies prey on the healthy as a way of prolonging their destructive ways knowing their lusts can never be satisfied.
As a result, they remain the Walking Dead working behind the scenes and trying to shred our Constitution.
And speaking of lusts, let us not forget the Uber Zombie Neocons Victoria Nuland and hubby Robert Kagan doing their best to destroy Ukraine as they seek the destruction of Russia.
Meanwhile the little pimp (and former comedian) in Ukraine continues to suck up as much blood money as possible from the Living Dems.
Night of the Living Dems
So, what does the Zombie Apocalypse have to do with the markets?
Truthfully, not much?
But it does portend to some real SPOOKY EVENTS on the horizon, including some scary volatility in the markets before and after the election.
We simply felt that on Halloween we should show you what some of the creepy characters running the show in America look like without their masks.
BTW…the original “Night of the Living Dead” movie cost $114,000 to produce. And the box office returns today are estimated to be over $30,236,432.
We never promise those kinds of returns in our Short and Sweet Tips column.
But we do promise to deliver to you a unique way to see how things operate “Behind the Curtain” on Wall Street in our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they like the Ghoulish side of Halloween. They’ll thank YOU later.
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