Last weekend my wife surprised me when she said she wanted me to take her to a local gun show.
(silent fist-pump)
When I asked why, she said she wanted to see what kind of people are out there buying guns these days. She reads my emails – and obviously has to put up with my ongoing rants about the threats to our 2nd amendment – so for me this was a win-win situation.
We weren’t surprised to see the huge crowd at this show but there seemed to be something different than the previous ones I’ve attended.
I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until my wife said, “Wow! The dealers here are selling guns like popcorn at a circus.”
She nailed it.
And we didn’t see anyone offering discounts on guns, ammo, accessories, clothes, etc.
In fact, everything was selling at a premium…especially the ammo.
They even offered classes for you to get your permit to legally carry a gun.
Ironically (or NOT) the classes were sold out.
The customers seemed friendly and polite – quite common among gun enthusiasts – and I noticed many customers engaged in lengthy conversations with the vendors.
As I watched and listened, it was obvious to me that most of the customers were first time buyers or basically novices when it came to guns.
After making friends with one of the vendors, he confirmed my observation when he said: “We have more first-time buyers than ever before.”
As we spoke a frail looking woman – probably in her mid/late 60s weighing in at about 110lbs. – came up, pointed to a gun on display and said: “I’m interested in buying that gun.”
His salesman mode kicked in as he complimented her choice on… “One of the finest handguns you can buy for under $1,000.”
It was a Smith & Wesson 1911 model in 45 ACP.
Translation: It’s a large, heavy gun, that kicks like a donkey…especially if you’re frail and weigh 110 lbs.
She bought it on the spot and was surprised that she couldn’t just pay for it and take it home with her. (Florida law requires you to have a permit or else you must wait 5 business days before you can physically take possession of your gun).
My wife quietly said: “With all the millions of people out of work, where are all these people coming up with the money to buy these guns?”
I said, “That doesn’t bother me as much as the fact that there are so many people buying guns with little or NO knowledge of how to use them.”
The message here is:
- People are scared
- They’re preparing to defend themselves (in a Civil War?)
- And they’re not too concerned about what guns cost
- Nor are they learning how to safely handle one
It’s not necessarily a good combination but it’s what’s happening every day in America.
Are you Connecting the Dots, yet?
Read our September newsletter to see how this plays out.
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