If you’ve been paying attention to healthcare costs in America, it’s obvious that we have an out-of-control price increase epidemic.
This is a result of our dependence on heroin.
Consider the following:
- Rising healthcare costs today is a legacy of Obamacare.
- Increased heroin addicts are a by-product of cheap heroin.
- Cheap heroin is a result of the US presence in Afghanistan.
Wait! What?
Did you actually believe that we’ve been fighting some kind of war in Afghanistan for the last 18 years?
What enemy have we been fighting?
Didn’t we kill Osama bin Laden?
(It still amazes me that the Obama administration duped the public into thinking “We Got Osama” and gave him “…a traditional Muslim burial at sea.” Who ever heard about Muslims having a tradition of being buried at sea?…but that’s another topic for another time).
The point is we have a major drug epidemic (heroin) in America and its roots are in the governments addiction to power.
Yes, they’re junkies. POWER JUNKIES. And many have become rich junkies from profits, courtesy of Afghanistan’s opium.
And, like all junkies, they don’t see themselves as having a problem.
Instead, they have the audacity to act as if “we the people” are their servants and must do as they say.
Career politicians are a bane on humanity. Their job is to serve us and not the opposite.
Without TERM LIMITS, government junkies will continue abusing their power and not do anything about drug addiction – or any other problem – in America.
This is all part of the loss of confidence in government that will usher in 2020, The Year of Chaos.
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