As we usher in 2025 on New Year’s Eve, we want to say goodbye to 2024 with a familiar topic…Gold vs Bitcoin.
Over the years we’ve posted volumes of articles on both Gold and Bitcoin.
And we have articles that go back to the original “White Paper” by Satoshi Nakamoto introducing Bitcoin in 2008 (at the peak of the financial crisis…coincidence?)
READ: Crypto Causality Creates Chaos (Written November 17, 2017) HERE
READ: Saturday Rant… After a 75% Decline (November 12, 2022 HERE).
Without a doubt Gold and Bitcoin will continue to make headlines next year and the controversy over which one you should own will intensify.
And that’s why we are recycling a rant about Gold Vs. Bitcoin from one of our favorite ranters, Scoob Martin
Last year (2023) Scoob made a great case for both investments and brought out many points that very few investors consider.
Here’s what he said…
First of all, James, Happy New Year to you and all of the Financial$Matter fam.
And I know that you know how I feel about Gold vs Bitcoin, so let me simplify everything for your readers by summarizing in one sentence.
Bitcoin is a gamble.
Nothing More.
That’s actually two sentences but I’ll explain why it’s a gamble.
First, and foremost, you are “gambling” on it being “there” when you need it.
But at any given time (and at “Their Discretion”) Uncle Sugar will just TELL the network providers to block all the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) traffic the exchanges run on.
The TCP includes ALL known ports, all defined ports, and all reserved by RFC “Request For Comments.”
And, That’s it…You have no more access.
Oh, you think you got sneaky with a VPN? (Virtual Private Network)
They want you to think your VPN is YOUR IPSEC infrastructure.
And that your IPSEC is a set of communication rules or protocols for setting up secure connections over a network.
The Deep Pocket inspection Boyz already know what you are up to. And at “Their Discretion” your port will be closed.
And for those “Clever Dual Citizens” who leave the country to lay claim on your crypto, here is a question:
Which central bank is going to allow you to deposit?
And there are those who claim: “But! But! my hardware wallet…”
Shut up and good luck with that.
Because you are riding along US sanctioned and REGULATED TELCO lines.
And they are far more loyal to their shareholders and Uncle Sugar than you.
Bitcoin is not an investment.
If anything, use your BTC (and do in soon) to by gold and silver and get out while you can…especially if gold falls back below $2,000 an ounce.
Thanks, Scoob.
And your rant makes even more sense than it did one year ago.
Because most Bitcoin investors are clueless when it comes to understanding how quickly their “Bitcoins” can magically disappear.
And that’s another reason why we like to own (and hold) physical gold…especially looking ahead in 2025.
So, be sure to learn how to thrive in 2025 in our upcoming January issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they are thinking of getting into Bitcoin at these lofty prices. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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