Force Majeure is when a company declares extraordinary and extreme circumstances to void itself from all contractual obligations to their customers.
And Russia’s largest oil company, Gazprom, recently said it can no longer guarantee its “good functioning” due to crucial turbines being previously held up in Canada related to sanctions.
Translation: Europe/Germany is going to freeze this winter.
Ironically (or NOT) the turbines held up in Canada is more proof that SANCTIONS DON’T WORK.
Why the Western nations can’t figure this out is beyond comprehension.
Putin was betting on those sanctions…part of the plan is to split the EU from the USA.
Critics say Russia should have taken Ukraine in a day; they didn’t and are a failure.
But… and this is a Very Big Butt…
The longer it takes, the more the sanctions crush the EU, build up the BRICS+ (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), and diminish the dollar’s dominance.
Putin would be a fool to “win quickly”; he won’t…as he said, ‘we haven’t really tried…yet’.
Germans supposedly want to “do their part” to save the planet from climate change.
At the same time, they want cheap and plentiful energy.
PS: Solar and Wind are supplemental energy. They cannot replace coal/nuke/gas.
Ironically (or NOT) 16-year-old Climate Change expert Greta Thunberg must really love Putin by now.
He’s making sure Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions drop significantly!
Meanwhile, in the real world, Russian oil and gas revenues and profits are booming to record levels.
Force Majeure is Just Beginning
Gazprom’s Force Majeure is the opening salvo of what’s coming down the road.
And if you’ve been reading our posts for a while, you know that the COMEX will declare Force Majeure on GOLD as well.
Read: Force Majeure or Horse Manure May, 1, 2017.
In the meantime, Russia is laughing all the way to the bank.
And Putin is enjoying the show.
So, if you haven’t read the July issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE), be sure to check out what we said about a certain oil stock that you should be buying at these discounted prices.
Share this with a friend…they’ll appreciate learning about Force Majeure.
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