Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Free Report: Gold

Note: This special report was taken from our October 2017 newsletter “…In
Plain English.” What you’re about to read is every bit as true today as it
was back then.
In fact, today it’s riskier to NOT own gold because it’s the greatest hedge
against loss of confidence in governments.

And it’s pretty obvious we’re rapidly moving in that direction.
In our newsletter we show you the best ways to buy and hide your gold.
Find out how by subscribing today. You’ll thank us later.


If You Don’t Hold it…You Don’t

Own it.

The Wall Street Banksters Don’t Want You to
Own Gold. But if You Do, They’ll Steal It from You. Legally!

(And That’s Precisely Why You Must Own Some)

Have you ever wondered why Wall Street rarely promotes owning
gold to the small investor? At the same time, they tell their
biggest clients it’s a “store of value?”
You hear the so-called “Gurus” refer to it as a “barbarous relic”
and no longer has value in your portfolio. Or, “It doesn’t pay
Legendary investor Warren Buffet claims he hates gold. His
partner, Charlie Munger, had this to say about gold: “Civilized
People Don’t Buy Gold.” He also said, “Gold is a Great Thing to
Sew In To Your Garments if You’re a Jewish Family in Vienna in
Charlie? Are you kidding me?
I wonder how many Jewish families from Vienna (or anywhere
else for that matter) see the humor in that statement.
Only a creepy guy like Charlie Munger could get away with
making a comment like that. Ironically no one took him to task
on it.

The Most Hated Asset on Wall Street

You have to wonder why, after 5,000 years of being “the money of
Kings,” Gold is the most hated asset on Wall Street…and it’s been
that way for the last six years.
At the same time China, India, along with most Asian
governments AND their citizens have been buying as much gold
as they can get their hands on.
Why? Or, what do they know that we don’t?

Could it be that (unlike all paper money) Gold has never
become worthless?
(You need to Google this yourself because history proves that
every fiat currency (paper money) eventually becomes
worthless…and our US dollar will be no exception to that rule.)
The dollar is still king as far as currencies go. And the last time I
checked, every gold dealer in the country will accept your dollars
in exchange for some shiny yellow metal coins or bars.
But why does Wall Street not want you to buy gold?

A Tremendous Shortage

I know from first-hand experience that the major brokerage firms
go out of their way to make it difficult for you to own gold.
Case in point:
As financial advisors we were trained to point out the flaws of
owning physical gold such as:
1) It doesn’t pay dividends
2) Storage fees are high
3) You’re better off buying gold stocks

Those reasons are true and make logical sense.
However, the real reason Wall Street doesn’t want you to buy gold
is the fact that they can’t get their hands on enough to satisfy the

China and most of Asia controls most of gold mining and
consumption in the world…and none of it leaves or gets exported.
In addition to being the largest producers of gold, they’re the
largest importers of gold in the world.
As of October 2016, the official government numbers of gold
owned by the Chinese Central Bank are 1,842 tons. What a joke!
More aggressive analysts are estimating that Chinas gold reserves
have surpassed 4,000 tons. That’s also a joke.
What these so-called analysts don’t tell you is that most of the
gold imported by China goes in through Hong Kong. And it
doesn’t get officially reported. It also allows them to come up with
fake numbers as official reserves.
The citizens in China alone possess over 16,193 tons of gold.
Do the math…16,193 + 4000 = 20,193 tons of gold. That’s over 2
1⁄2 times more than the official gold reserves of the United States.
(8,133 tons)
To further emphasize this point, prior to 2003 Chinese citizens
were banned from owning gold.
Last year, Alisdair Macleod, (known as one of the top gold
analysts in the world) reported that between 1983 and 2002
China quietly accumulated over 25,000 tons of gold.
If that’s true then China’s government alone has over 30,000 tons
of gold. When you compare that number to the official claim of
1,894 tons you’ll come to a couple of conclusions;
1) They’re lying about how much they own.
2)It’s understandable why there’s a shortage of
physical gold.

The point is, no one really knows how much gold the Chinese
own…and they’re not going to tell anyone anytime soon.

Why You Must Hold Physical Gold

If the banksters can convince you to buy paper gold instead of
physical gold then they can keep from giving it to you.
In other words, they’ll steal it from you.
And the laws are written to protect them from you.
Let me give you an example. Most of the gold trading takes place
on the Commodities Metals Exchange (CME or COMEX is the
largest options and futures exchange in the world). You buy gold
from them in the form of paper contracts.
Investors rarely take possession of their gold. Instead, they buy
futures contracts on gold (sometimes only putting up 10% in cash)
that gives them the right to take possession.
Here’s where the numbers get crazy.
The CME is supposed to have a certain amount of inventory on
hand in the event an investor wants to take “Physical Delivery” of
their gold.
In November 2015, the COMEX reported that they had 293
claims for every one ounce of gold they had in inventory.
Wait! What?

That means if you owned one ounce of gold at the COMEX you
also had 292 other people thinking they own the same ounce of
What happens if everyone wants their gold?
Do you see why you must always take possession?
When you hold your own gold, the boyz in “The Club” can’t steal it
from you.

Legal Theft of Your Gold

The Banksters know that investors will eventually want physical
delivery of their gold. They also know they can’t meet their
That’s why they have laws in place to protect them when they steal
your gold from you.
It’s called a Force Majeure clause and it’s written into every
contract on the COMEX.
Force Majeure allows a company to absolve itself from a liability
in the event it can’t fulfill the terms of a contract.
In plain English that means they’ll say, “Sorry, but we can’t give
you your gold.” However, they must pay you the value of the
contract based on what it was worth when they declared Force
So, if gold was trading at $1,300 an ounce they’ll eventually pay
you $1,300 for every ounce you own (or thought you owned).

The $64 Billion question is, how long will it take for them to pay
A week? Six months? A year?
No one knows how long. But one thing for sure is, that by the
time you get paid, the price of gold will be substantially higher.
And most likely there will be even less available to buy.
Meanwhile, the Chinese will be laughing all the way to the bank.
It all goes back to the golden rule…”He that has the gold, makes
all the rules.”

Don’t listen to the thieves on Wall Street about gold. Buy some
(even if it’s only a small amount) and hide it in a safe place away
from their greedy hands.

Be sure to check back next month where we show you the safest
way to buy and hide/store your gold.

Up next: Bitcoin Madness: Why crypto currencies have Wall
Street scrambling.

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