Borrowing a phrase from Herbert Hoover’s campaign in 1928 promising prosperity: “A Chicken in every pot and a car in every garage” … Stinky Joe has announced his administration is Funding Free Crack Pipes to Promote ‘Racial Equity.’
And, no, this is not an article from “The Onion.”
But this does fall under the category of You Just Can’t Make This Up.
Wow! Just, Wow!
Maybe this is a brilliant move.
I mean, who would’ve thought that FREE crack pipes could end racism?
Or maybe Hunter (the smartest man I know) Biden is getting a consulting fee on this $30 Million grant program from the Health and Human Services (HHS).
Or Maybe, Just Maybe Stinky Joe thinks he’s going to get more support from the black community before the mid-term elections by introducing catchy phrases like:
- Crack Lives Matter
- “You ain’t black if you don’t smoke crack”
- Crack pipes provided by [Joe & Da Hoe]
- No Ivermectin for you…but here’s a Free Crack Pipe
Ironically (or NOT) old folks with knee replacements can’t get their pain pills but the crackheads have it made.
And it looks like Dave Chapelle was right on so many issues. And his prescient skits on crack are being made manifest by the O’Biden/Hologram administration.
(Watch: Free Crack Giveaway at Five O’clock…Dave Chappelle’s Show The Best of Tyrone Biggums HERE)
Free Crack Pipes for Blacks Only
On the darker side, one could make a case over the fact that a large portion of the Black community had the good sense to NOT get the jab.
So, in retribution the Boyz are trying plan B – to Promote Racial Equity – as another means of population control.
Any way you wanna shake it, giving away free crack pipes is a culmination of how far certain political groups have fallen into degradation and moral corruption.
They are morally bankrupt.
And the slippery slope they’re on just got slipperier.
History will not be kind to the elites who sponsor AND fund these programs.
And they’re the same group who backed muzzling our children while flaunting their hypocrisy (Cough! Stacy Abrams, Cough! Obama, Hairball Cough!)
So, just when you thought things couldn’t get much crazier, the cretins in DC have now given new meaning to entering the Twilight Zone.
Next, they’ll probably say that they never wanted lockdowns.
Oh, Wait!
Stay tuned.
And be sure to read about a confirmed smallpox outbreak…intentionally released???…in our February edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they remember seeing pictures of crackhead Hunter Biden with a pipe in his mouth.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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