As George Orwell rolls over in his grave, France has fallen …and most likely won’t get up.
A video has emerged in Paris showing police requiring people to show their passport papers in order to sit OUTSIDE in a café.
And French president – Mr. Oedipus Complex – Macron, said that this system is about “Protecting people’s freedom.”
Are you freaking kidding me?
Meanwhile – and across the pond – UN Globalists arriving in the UK for the “Climate Summit” won’t face Covid restrictions imposed on British citizens.
Seriously, sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at what’s going on.
And thanks to the Big Tech Presstitutes, you’re not hearing how hundreds of thousands of French protestors have taken to the streets over Macron’s tyrannical policies.
But the good news is there are police who are siding with the public and are refusing to enforce the mandates.
This begs the question: How long will it be before we see the 21st century French Revolution?
France Has Fallen…But For How Long
The last revolution kept the tyrants sweating in their beds.
And the sight of a few guillotines rolled out in front of the prime minister’s residence and government offices, might invoke a reminder of what happens when your neo-nobility gets too uppity.
Unfortunately, most of the brain-dead people – who sit around watching TV every day – don’t want to rock the boat.
Far too many people have outsourced their thinking to the teevee.
And government loves stupidity.
So, they spread their brainwashing virus to everyone they think they control.
Stupid people are easier to control than thinking people.
But just wait until the braindead French masses find out that their pensions are broke. (As are most European pensions)
That’s when you’ll hear more about how France has fallen.
Any way you shake it, it ain’t gonna be pretty.
Ironically (or NOT) Revolutions have a keen way of disrupting the financial markets.
But not always in the way you might think.
We continue to remind you that you’ll see opportunities of your lifetime going into 2022.
Especially for those with “Ears to Hear.”
But the big question remains: “How are you prepared to deal with it?”
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And please feel free to share this with a friend…especially if they used to like dining in outside cafes in France.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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