Last fall we coined 2021, When the Great Reset and Food Crisis Hits Home. And so far, the Great Reset part appears to be on target. But many are thinking “What Food Crisis? Where is it?
And at the time we restated the need to start buying Agriculture stocks…Namely Archer-Daniels-Midland (ADM) which was trading at $46.
We first suggested ADM a year earlier when it was $36 and the dividend yield was over 4.13%,
But most people think Agri-stocks are boring.
And they’re right.
However, ADM is now trading at $57.65…with am impressive dividend yield of 2.57%.
Let’s do some math.
If you bought it last fall at $46 it’s up OVER 25%. And that doesn’t include your dividend.
And if you bought it a year ago at $36, you’d be up OVER 60%.
So much for boring.
The point is… “Boring can be very profitable.”
And “BORING” agriculture stocks are just getting started.
Three words.
Food Crisis? What Food Crisis?
Whether you want to realize it or not, we’re in the early stages of a commodity Super-Cycle.
And from now till 2024, you’ll profit handsomely if you buy into this sector.
Currently, Europe is experiencing a serious food crisis as food prices rise continuously.
And with further draconian COVID measures within the EU, they are bringing the food supply chains to a standstill.
Not good.
You’re not hearing much about it?
Big Tech media presstitutes don’t want you to know.
What is clear is that if we see a significant food shortage, that will also lead to major social unrest and political upheaval.
Why, again?
When people can’t feed their families, they have a tendency to lose it.
The world is by no means prepared for a food crisis.
It’s a known fact that even cities like New York have at best a 7-day food supply.
Translation: Any food crisis that becomes prolonged will result in a collapse of civil order.
So, just because you aren’t hearing about food shortages, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
When it can no longer be concealed you should expect the following:
The government will blame speculators for driving up food prices rather than their own policies.
Ironically (or NOT) Speculators only follow the trend — they never make a trend.
So, if you want to capitalize on a trend – that’s quietly flying under the radar – read our April edition of “…In Plain English.” (HERE)
In it we’ll show you how to speculate with common sense in what we call a “No Brainer” move.
Don’t wait for your friends’ approval.
Instead get ahead of them – and the majority of investors – and join our group of “Free Thinkers” (HERE).
And remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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