March 2025
March 4, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Floyd Trial…Another Distraction de Jour?

The circus in Minneapolis – aka: the George Floyd Trial – has become a social media/Big Tech presstitutes wet dream.  And it might just be another Distraction de Jour.

After all, didn’t Floyd’s family already get over $17 Million from their Go Fund Me account (the largest in history)?

And didn’t the pathetic city of Minneapolis recently agree to compensate the Floyd family an additional $27 Million to settle a civil lawsuit?

Maybe I’m missing something here but, isn’t that like… you know, JURY TAMPERING?

Or Maybe it’s normal to pay out $27 Million before there’s a trial to establish guilt or innocence.

Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE, this whole Floyd thing is just another Distraction de Jour so the sheeple don’t see what pain and suffering the party of unity is about to inflict on us.

Think back to last year.

We had raging mobs causing Billions in damages to cities, countless murders – while simultaneously destroying thousands of businesses and livelihood – over George Floyd’s death.

Those distractions allowed the boyz in the “Club” to pull off the biggest power grab in 6,000 years of recorded history.

And it was over a virus that’s no more dangerous than the flu.

Here’s a headline I saw yesterday:


“Prosecutors Ask Jurors To Dismiss George Floyd Autopsy Findings”


Yes, you read that right.

So, the prosecutors are now asking the jury to ignore any evidence except what they approve of?

Ironically (or NOT) it is a medical fact that if a man can speak, then he can breathe.

The medical examiner reported that Floyd did not die of asphyxiation.

Consider this:

  1. Floyd was an overweight, lifelong drug abuser.
  2. A violent felon with at least 8 convictions.
  3. At the time of arrest, was on meth and fentanyl.
  4. Fought four arresting officers.
  5. Was handcuffed inside the police car before he fought his way out on to the ground.
  6. And that was where the promoted video clip begins.
  7. He had fluid filled lungs, was foaming at the mouth, and enough fentanyl in his system to kill a farm animal.


And yet the prosecution wants the autopsy report to be thrown out?


Perfect Distraction de Jour


If the jury finds Derek Chauvin not guilty, you should expect riots to rage across the country again.

Will this be the excuse the doom and gloomers use to take down the stock market?

But if the party of science doesn’t believe in biology why should you expect them to believe an autopsy?

Stay tuned.

And be sure to read our April “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).

It’s definitely better for you than watching the news.

We’re Not Just About Finance.




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