Every year around this time the bought-and-paid-for media goes out of its way to strike fear in the hearts of Floridians.
You’re all gonna die from hurricane____.
At least that’s what they want you to believe.
In reality it does wonders for the local economy.
Every grocery station, gas station, Home Depot, Lowe’s, etc. quickly run out of water, bread, batteries, lumber, and everything else imaginable from the panic/fear of the next devastating storm.
This is what happens when you watch too much TV.
And this is why we constantly rant about how the Whores-of-Babylon-Media presstitutes constantly push their agenda so they can control you.
You see, it’s not only Wall Street and/or Washington flexing their muscle to manipulate you, it’s in every part of our daily lives.
They know that increasing the “Fear Factor” causes you to do things you wouldn’t normally do – like buying 20 cases of water – and you still worry if you have enough.
Enough for what?
On Sunday, September 1, 2019, this became a personal issue for me.
My granddaughter wanted me to take her surfing before Hurricane Dorian supposedly hit (which was scheduled for late Monday or Tuesday).
I said, “sure, we have at least 36 hours before it gets close,” and off we went.
Within 20 minutes after arriving at the beach, the lifeguards began “evacuating” everyone. We were surfing behind someone’s home (private property) and figured the guards wouldn’t bother us.
To my surprise they drove down on their ATV and told us the beaches were closed and we had to evacuate.
I politely thanked them and reminded them we were on private property.
My point is government – along with the media – is getting to the point of overkill.
It’s reminding me of gun control where, “It’s not about guns, it’s about control.”
Investment and personal “Panic Cycles” are underway…and the markets will lead the panic towards economic calamity.
Don’t take the bait.
Read about it (HERE).
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