It was only a matter of time before the CDC was forced to admit that covid tests were invalid.
After being called “Conspiracy Theorists” * in 2020 – where we said the PCR test was “never designed to detect a virus…” (HERE) we acknowledged confirmation of this ongoing hoax in two separate emails.
97% False Positive Rate for PCR Test (December 17, 2021) HERE.
And Buying a Covid Test Company (July 27, 2021) HERE.
(* Note, a Vaccine chip is no longer a Conspiracy Theory)
Covid Tests Invalid
So, finally the CDC has admitted that the PCR test cannot even differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.
From the CDC website:
In Plain English…they’ve lied from the get go.
But we’ve known that from the beginning.
So, how will they justify all the deaths and adverse reactions from the experimental drugs they imposed?
Unfortunately, they (politicians) will NEVER admit they were wrong.
And why isn’t this plastered all over the front pages of ALL GLOBAL MEDIA OUTLETS?
Ironically (or NOT) we know the answer to that question.
Covid Tests Invalid for Lockdowns
And unfortunately, for the globalists, the withdraw of the COVID PCR test as valid for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2 is critical for all the restrictions and lockdowns.
This begs the question: How will they impose more lockdowns/quarantine camps in 2022 and avoid the wrath of the unvaxxed AND the vaxxed?
The answer: they won’t.
As we’ve said before, this nefarious agenda to terrorize the public for political gain has been at the heart of the abuse of politics
And it’s been fully sanctioned by the media presstitutes intruding into the medical field.
Sad to say, doctors – as well as other ‘medical professionals’ – who have gone along with this terror campaign are a disgrace to their field.
Are you ready for 2022 when this reaches a boiling point?
If not then you still have until midnight December 31st to get the necessary information to help guide you through a Man-Made Depression in 2022 (HERE).
And for less than the cost of a meal at a fast-food joint, you’ll be in a position to prosper AND thrive while everyone else freaks out (HERE).
Don’t miss out.
You won’t regret it.
And share this with a friend.
They’ll thank YOU later.
But tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.
Another Obvious Reason Why the Phrase “DO NOT COMPLY” is Wise
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