But thanks to the collapse AND failure of the Covid narrative – and the increasing Great Resistance to the Great Reset (Thank You Canadian Truckers) – we’re seeing how the spirit of freedom is still alive and well.
That’s not to say we’re out of the woods yet.
Because – and unfortunately – things are likely to get worse before we see any noticeable improvement and return to normalcy.
In fact, life will never be normal again as we once knew it.
And that’s mostly because of the damage already done through the reprogramming of how THEY want us to think.
However, and over the course of the next few years, we will see the opportunity to not only take back what has been stolen from us, but also to put in place a revamped system/rule of law/renewal of our Constitution/ that’s a government of the people, by the people, for the people.
It’s in our nation’s DNA.
And despite the experimental DNA altering drugs vaccines that Stinky Joe and Big Pharma have tried to force upon us, there’s enough people who adhere to the truth and are unwilling to back down.
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