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Fauci And the Irony of West Nile Virus

In what could be considered the irony of ironies, Anthony Fauci (Frauduci) has somehow contracted the ultra-rare West Nile virus right on the heels of a nasty COVID infection.


And yes, this is the same Fauci who outsourced risky COVID gain-of-function research to a shoddy Chinese lab, and was then put in charge of handling a COVID pandemic that broke out down the street from said lab.


So, it should come as no surprise to most critical thinking people, that former health director and perpetrator of doom (Anthony Fauci) admitted last year that masks don’t work.


And now that he has the West Nile virus, we are still wondering if Frauduci still absurdly claims masks work on an individual basis.




That’s like saying:


“Injecting yourself with experimental/dangerous vaccines – with hundreds of side effects – may not kill everybody, but you should do it anyway.”



And remember creeps like Frauduci forced us to cover half our face to appear in public for years.


It had nothing to do with health and everything to do with being a mass social experiment to see how blindly the sheeple would obey their laws.


Fortunately, Boyz like Frauduci are starting to realize that a second round of COVID restrictions will be much more difficult to manage as many have woken up to the fearmongering.


And thank God for that.


Adding insult to irony, earlier this month, the 83-year-old Fauci revealed that he caught COVID for a third time despite having been “vaccinated and boosted six times.”




And speaking of irony, Fauci has no idea how he got West Nile – a mosquito-borne illness that can cause fever, body aches, diarrhea, and rash – and for which there is no vaccine or treatment.



Maybe there is a West Nile virus vax in the works…to be released soon.



 West Nile vs Monkeypox



But there is no hiding that the Boyz are attempting to prepare us for another mass COVID/Pandemic outbreak… (Cough! Monkeypox, Cough!)


And have you figured out that the entire COVID HOAX/Pandemic Scares seems to become a problem when we near elections?


They think we are stupid.


And They Openly Mock Us.




Because they want the people to begin talking about how it must be spreading…AGAIN.


Don’t take the bait.


Instead, learn how to fight back in our September edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).


Share this with a friend…especially if they hate the idea of having to wear a mask again.


They’ll thank YOU later.


And share with them how you should not take health advice from someone who profits from you being sick and wants you to wear a mask again…(HERE).



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