To the average consumer, names like Kraft Heinz, Unilever, Kellogg and Nestle, aren’t often co-related with a Fat Food Frenzy.
However, recent studies by WASSH (the World Action on Salt, Sugar & Health show that “Four of the world’s biggest food manufacturers are over-reliant on the sales of unhealthy food despite each claiming to be active in improving the healthfulness of their products.”
So, if you’re wondering why you see so many fat people in America it’s because deceptive marketing – by these and other major companies – has led the public to believe their products are healthy and safe.
WASSH also reported that Kraft Heinz, Kellogg, Unilever, and Nestle are promoting diets high in fat and sugar, which could potentially increase the risk of obesity and chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and certain cancers if consumed regularly.
(Scooby Doo HUH?)
Effects of Fat Food Frenzy
In addition, the consumption of junk food may cause adverse changes in the brain and result in cognitive impairment.
And in addition to this we would like to know why are the largest food companies in the world also pushing a ‘woke’ agenda?
Maybe it’s because – like the War on Poverty and the War on Drugs – the Boyz have now shifted to a War on your diet or a War on your body.
Or Maybe they don’t want us to know that most grains should be fermented in some way. Because when they say ‘highly processed’ in the modern context, they mean a lot of industrial **** has been done to it with a lot of modern chemistry.
Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE most people are too fat and lazy to learn about how they’re being poisoned by these mega-corporations…kinda like they ignore how Big Pharma poisoning everyone on the planet in the name of profit.
Ironically (or NOT) what’s really weird about this is how food plants around the country seem to be going up in smoke…but not junk food plants.
Fat Food Frenzy Leaders
Sad to say, companies like Nestle need to put “Buyers Beware” labeling on their companies that contain harmful additives and seed oils.
Those companies include:
- Gerber
- Perrier
- Poland Spring
- S. Pellegrino
- Deer Park
- Toll House
- Coffee-Mate
- Starbucks Coffee at Home
- Carnation
- Stouffer’s Hot Pockets
- DiGiorno Pizza
- Buitoni Pasta
- Tombstone Pizza
- Lean Cuisine
- Sweet Earth
- Libby’s Pumpkin
- Carnation
- Häagen-Dazs
- Purina
- Alpo
- Fancy Feast
- Friskies
- Tidy Cats
Go ahead…read the label of ingredients.
Hopefully the WOKE agenda will hit these companies where it hurts most…their earnings.
In the meantime, see what consumer companies are currently hidden values in our March “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they buy any of the above-mentioned products.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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