You have to wonder if yesterday’s massive global outage at Facebook/Instagram/What’s App was simply Facebook Poetic Justice or a trial run.
Maybe it was a coincidence that Facebook Whistleblower, Frances Haugen, called FB out on 60 Minutes on Sunday night…AND is testifying before Congress today.
Or Maybe they’re prepping us to take down the internet. You know…like a trial run for the 2022 elections.
Something huge must be coming and they want no coordinated efforts, and panic in the streets.
Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE, Zuck is using it as an opportunity to clean house before any further investigations reveal how their hidden mission was/is to put profit before doing “what was good for the public,” including clamping down on hate speech.
Anyway you shake it, this doesn’t pass the smell test.
In fact, it stinks of Rockefeller subterfuge.
Are you surprised?
I wonder what Facebook feels like being in Facebook jail?
Notice to Facebook:
Facebook, your posts have violated international community standards. All your web servers have been suspended for the next 30 days.
Poetic Justice or Kill Switch?
Personally, I would like to believe that this was part of John McAfee’s kill switch kicking in after he was suicided.
But here’s a few more maybes to consider…Maybe:
- They ran a fact checker on their own service – FAIL!
- They ran a new algorithm to remove fake news from their platforms…but the algorithm worked too well and shut down everything on their sites.
- It’s possible that it’s triggering mass suicides of addicted obsessive Facebook sheeple
- The OUTAGE is another form of censorship!
- My initial thought was the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” triggered panic and the machines and fact checkers lost all control.
- It’s probably just harmless “wiping” of the servers of any incriminating evidence of wrong-doing
- One hundred million narcissists cry out in pain.
- A great disturbance in the farce.
- …as if a billion social media whores suddenly cried out in pain, and were silenced.
But I digress…as usual.
One thing for sure is this is ONLY the beginning.
And October…Rocktober is not just for Halloween.
Fasten your seatbelts.
And be sure to read our ROCKtober issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE) to see how to take advantage of this madness.
And share this with a friend…especially if they love Facebook.
And tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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