Most Sheeple you run across are clueless when you ask them things like: Who is Paying for the Vacks?
At first, many proudly say the “The Government is picking up the cost and therefore it’s free.”
How dumb can you get and still breathe?
Seriously, the government exists based on TAXES paid the 50% of the population that’s working for a living.
Sad to say, far too many people just don’t get it.
And to make matters worse, they believe the costs – and disbursements – for the Vacks is free
It’s not free, that’s for sure.
Hospitals are charging the insurance companies for it.
They, in turn, charge Medicare, Medicaid, the federal government and you.
The charges vary by patient, hospital and by state.
But it’s a cash cow for sure.
And now that the boosters are starting, there’s no end in sight.
So, Who is Paying for the Vacks?
Ironically (or NOT) the Pro-Vacks crowd have set it up as a multi-Trillion-dollar cash-flow-stream.
Why else to you think Bill Gates has been funding the FDA, NIH, CDC and other government groups?
Do the math.
At first, the Big Pharma banksters were charging the government anywhere from $7-$10 per shot.
Now, it’s quietly gone up to as high as $39 per shot…almost a 400% increase.
Again, Who Pays for the Vacks?
So, when the shots are eventually no longer covered by government (our) tax dollars do you think The Big Pharma Banksters will lower their prices?
On the contrary. They’ll raise the price…but only just a little.
And after corporations finish the Globalists dirty work – by forcing employees to take the jab – they’ll cash in on the requirement of being fully vaccinated.
And by that we mean that after 6-8 months YOU won’t be considered fully vaccinated unless you continue to get the boosters…ad infinitum.
Do you see where this is going?
If not then you’ll find yourself at a loss for what to do when the SHTF.
However, if you do see where this is all headed, then you need to learn how to prosper AND thrive from it – as opposed to losing your lifesavings in the market.
And be sure to read our September newsletter to see what drug companies you should be selling before it’s too late (HERE).
Feel free to share this with others…especially if they think healthcare is free.
They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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