The subject line for this email was part of a Scripture. 1Corinthians 15:33 says: Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. (KJV)
It’s important to understand the “Be not deceived” part and how it applies to our modern-day media miscreants.
Right now, some of you might be thinking. “What’s all that Bible stuff have to do with me?…and I don’t understand all that King James stuff either.”
Let me explain it to you…” In Plain English.”
Your “Good Manners” (belief systems, how you treat others, etc.) will turn ugly when you’re led astray by corruption.
It’s really that simple.
But it’s also very subtle.
How Wall Street Corrupts Good Manners
The “evil communications” is what you’re exposed to every day via the “Club’s” corrupt bought-and-paid-for media.
(Learn more about the Wall Street “Club” HERE).
In order for a government (or any powerful group) to get more control over your life, they must keep you in fear of something.
We like to refer to it as keeping you in a “Constant State of Agitation.”
The formula is simple…the more fear they create, the more control they get.
(COUGH! CoronaFraud, COUGH! Vaccinations, COUGH! You’re ALL GOING TO DIE….Arrrrrggghhh, HAIRBALL COUGH!)
Sad to say the sheeple are constantly taught to freak out over a virus that has a death rate of 0.0223%.
Even more sad is you’re more likely to die of a drug overdose than you are of Covid-19. And that’s assuming you are a druggie.
So, how do you keep evil communications from corrupting your good manners?
The good news is, (if you’re reading this email) you’re already on the right track.
You also need to learn how to filter what you’re exposed to on a daily basis.
A good way to measure this is to determine how much time you spend on social media, watching the news and/or listening to the distractions of the many false “news” preachers of the mainstream networks.
Remember: the more fear they incite (by distracting you), the more control they get over you.
Learn how to keep your “Good Manners” intact and overcome the Big Tech Media Presstitutes by reading our monthly newsletter “…In Plain English” HERE.
And share this with a friend…even if they don’t have good manners
Be sure to tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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