On the 20th anniversary of 09/11 we want to pause and remind you that everything is connected…EVERYTHING.
Can you believe that it was 20 years ago today when the world watched dumbstruck, as the World Trade Center Towers collapsed into their own footprint?
Demolition style?
We were told it was because of jet fuel burning and disintegrating steel and concrete. *
(*Note…that has NEVER happened before)
Then, later in the day, we watched the WTC bldg. #7 collapse into its footprint (demolition style) without any jet or bomb hitting it.
And today, the only word to accurately describe what we saw is “Unbelievable.”
Unfortunately, our world has changed…mostly for the worse.
The Patriot Act – supposedly written in less than two days – ushered in the biggest theft of our Constitutional Rights in history.
Why Everything is Connected
If you’ve been reading our emails/posts for a while you know we tell you how “Everything is Connected.”
So, let’s look at how the events of 09/11/01 are connected to today.
Before 09/11/01 AND the “Patriot Act,” we were:
- Free to travel anywhere with few restrictions
- We didn’t have an opioid crisis in America
- There was no legitimate reason to be at war with Afghanistan
- China was the biggest buyer of US bonds
- Russia posed no threat to the US
- Europe’s economy was strong
- Iran had no nukes
- The stock market was recovering nicely from the “Tech Wreck” in 2000
- Donald Trump was the first big developer to commit to rebuilding New York City
- And we came together as a nation
Unfortunately, everything listed above has radically changed.
And today:
- Travel restrictions are worse
- Spending over $2 Trillion in Afghanistan has ended disastrously
- China is in position to dominate the world
- Russia and China have joined forces against Great Reset Globalists
- Iran has Nukes
- And, thanks to O’Biden, Afghanistan is weaponed up…and possibly ready to fight Iran?
- Unfortunately, we’re becoming more divided as a nation on a daily basis
And we’re seeing things we’ve never imagined in our collective lifetimes.
But don’t be depressed.
When you understand how history repeats and how Everything is Connected, you’ll be equipped to navigate the Turbulent Times we’re in.
So, learn how Everything is Connected (HERE).
And how to profit from the imminent chaos (HERE)?
You won’t regret it (HERE).
Share this with a friend.
Especially if they don’t trust their government.
And tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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