Isn’t it funny how certain old sayings are timeless? Example: “Everyone Loves an Optimist Even When He’s Wrong, but No One Likes a Pessimist, Even When He’s Right.”
One of the biggest contributors to depression – besides the Big Tech Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes – is how so many people give attention to pessimists.
Why is that?
It’s because the “Gloom and Doom” purveyors often get the spotlight by screaming the loudest and/or out shouting anyone who disagrees with them.
Does this sound like anyone you know?
Meanwhile the eternal optimist knows that by simply ignoring the pessimist is the best way to avoid their negative influence.
And, more importantly, the optimist knows that what you focus on is magnified in your life.
“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…”
~Proverbs 23:7~
A classic example of this is when you look through a pair of binoculars, the images you see become larger.
However, if you turn the binoculars around and look through them from the other side, the images are pushed far away.
Why everyone loves an optimist
When you look at the recent activities in the stock market the pessimists will say things like “This is the big one” or “Get ready for the market to lose 90% of its value.”
Admittedly a lot of those tactics are set in motion by the boyz in the “Club.”
To get you to zig while they zag.
And that’s one of the reasons why no one likes a pessimist…even when he’s right.
On the flip side, an optimist isn’t rattled easily…especially by market shake-outs.
Instead, the optimist looks at pullbacks in the market as an opportunity to find bargains on stocks that were previously overpriced.
That’s not to say that every time the markets fall you should jump right in.
In fact, we’ve been saying that before the summer is over, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to go bargain hunting.
And based on Friday’s closing (the DOW ended -533 points) you’d be wise to remember how everyone loves an optimist…even if he’s wrong.
Be sure to read our “Short and Sweet” column – in the June edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE) – about the possibility of the government confiscating gold like they did in 1933.
As optimists we say it won’t happen.
But we offer a back-up solution…just in case.
Feel free to share this with a friend.
They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them; We’re Not Just About Finance.
P.S. Be sure to take advantage of our Father’s Day giveaway of our newsletter for only $75. Enter Code 75 at the checkout (HERE).
Was W.C. Fields and Optimist or Pessimist?
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