When you look at the current situation in Europe – that there are no peacemakers, only war mongers – it’s easy to see how Europe is doomed.
For whatever braindead reason they want to believe that they can ban Russian oil and somehow bring Putin and all of Russia to its knees.
Meanwhile, Ukraine’s #1 comedian continues to demand everyone give him $7 billion a month in aid.
Let me explain why that’s beyond outrageous.
Zelensky’s condemning nations that buy Russian oil saying they are: using “Blood Money” and are “guilty of genocide and war crimes.”
At the same time, he’s begging everyone for more money.
But most people are ignoring the reality of Ukraine.
Ukraine is notorious corrupt.
And it’s being reported that Zelensky has stashed over $800 million in offshore accounts while demanding $7 billion per month in aid.
Why Europe is Doomed
And like all the other Neocon warmongers – in Europe AND the US – Zelensky is claiming that there will be countless people out of work, and “useless” to society.
This is extremely dangerous in that it opens the door to government welfare programs becoming commonplace.
It’s very similar to when Hitler classified so many as “useless eaters.”
And like those at Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF), Hitler believed there was a class of humans among society who simply consumed but did not contribute.
However, instead of hoping they’d rely on government aid, he simply murdered them.
So, be on high alert when a global agency begins referring to portions of the population as “useless.”
And be very cautious when you hear how Stinky Joe keeps supplying Ukraine with more weapons.
You didn’t know?
If that’s the case then you probably don’t know about our Resident Brandon’s creepy new “Disinformation Unit.”
But that’s another subject for another time.
So, as Europe continues down the path of self-destruction, you should be taking steps to avoid financial loss.
Namely…get out of international mutual funds and or most European stocks.
The fact that Europe is doomed doesn’t mean that you have to suffer with them.
And especially now, it’s to your benefit to learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times regardless of how bad things get in Europe.
Learn how by reading our monthly “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
Our readers tell us that our newsletter helps them make or save waaaaayyy more money than the cost of a subscription.
See for yourself (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they think Europe is doomed.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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We simply use finance to give you hope.
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