To all our valued readers and subscribers we have some Exciting news!
We are countering Inflation on your behalf in the following way:
Starting January 8, 2024, you can now enjoy 5 free post views before needing a subscription.
We believe this offers you a taste of our premium content without commitment.
And we also know that our current economy has put the squeeze on many people’s finances.
For that reason, we are making our premium content available to you based on three levels of affordability. *
(*Special Note: Current “…In Plain English” Subscribers will not be affected by any of the changes…you still have unlimited access to our site…simply log-in like you have in the past for complete access. And if you don’t know your password, use the reset link on the login page)
Starting January 8th
Level One: After 5 Free Post Views you can have access to all our daily posts (including the Sunday Funnies) for the low…low price of only $5 per month (Equal to one cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop or $0.16 per day).
Level Two: Includes all daily posts (including the Sunday Funnies) and our monthly “…In Plain English” newsletter, access to “Special Reports,” and much more for the low monthly price of $9.45. (And that’s less than the cost of a fast-food meal, without all the grease.)
Level Three: Includes all the benefits of Level Two PLUS an even bigger savings (17% cheaper) when you get the annual subscription for $95.00.
Regardless of what level you choose, we believe you will get more than your money’s worth.
And if you choose Level Two (monthly subscription) you can cancel at any time with no questions asked (and no time commitments).
So, take time to explore our best posts, and if you love what you see, consider subscribing for unlimited access and to support more great content.
See more details of your three options (HERE).
Thanks again for being part of our wacky group of Free Thinkers!
And share this with a friend. They’ll thank YOU later.
And remember:
We’re Not Just About Finance
But we use finance to give you hope.
Kind Regards,
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
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