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Election Interference In Your Face

If you want to see a clear example of election interference, look no further than Zelensky campaigning for Harris.




I should not have to explain this to you but, in case you missed it…O’Biden flew in the little pimp from Ukraine (who happens to be a head of a foreign state) with your tax dollars who campaigned for Bob Casey in Pennsylvania (a swing state).

And then did a media spot supporting Kamalama Dingdong for president.


Translation:  In addition to begging the US for Billions more in aid (approximately $140 Billion and counting) this disgusting little pimp had the balls to chastise American voters who are against the war.


He is the perfect stooge/puppet for the Neocons to use in their campaign against Trump.

And yet they claim the Republicans are colluding with Russians to interfere in our election.


Meanwhile, during his promo tour Zelensky provided the same fear-based rhetoric.

And that is how America must continue to support Ukraine and fund the war or Russia will conquer the world.


Foreign Election Interference


Try to imagine if Trump flew in Putin to a swing state to speak about ending the war.


This begs the question:  If this isn’t foreign election, then what is?


Keep in mind how this is the same man who openly spoke of his contempt for Americans…





It is astounding that the Democrats would permit a president of a foreign nation to come to our land on federal funds, endorse Kamalama, visit a weapons plant, and beg for more long-range missile to shoot into Russia.





But here’s the real rub…

Trump is adamant about ending the war in Ukraine, or at least America’s involvement.

So, let’s look at how this would impact voters.


  • Leaving Ukraine would boost our economy
  • And prevent us from inching closer to a war with Russia
  • We would not have to see thousands of young American men and women die in a senseless battle that never involved America
  • Inflation would go down (War is the biggest contributor to inflation)


But, according to Zelensky, the idea that the world should end this war at Ukraine’s expense is unacceptable.


And that is precisely why all the Neocons – even the Republicans like Dick Cheney – strongly support a Harris-Walz White House for the sole purpose of fueling the next World War.





Are you starting to see why we have been saying that our 2024 election is going to be a game changer…and why you should act now to protect your investments?


Be sure to read our September AND October edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE) and avoid the mistakes most investors make in Turbulent Times.


Share this with a friend…even if they don’t realize that Zelensky only likes America for the money and weapons we give him.  They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


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