Please Note: At FinancialsMatter we do know how to spell. And we use the headline “Don’t think of it as a Vacks” as a way to avoid censorship.
Almost anything written with the “V-Word” in it immediately sends up a red flag.
Even the robots are catching on to the use of “V-A-X” and censoring them.
So, for the time being, we’ll use the word Vacks…until the robots catch on.
Ironically (or NOT) Twitter permanently banned the account of Alex Berenson for “Disparaging” tweets over the efficacy of Big Pharma’s Vacks.
So, who’s Alex Berenson?
He’s a science journalist who exposed an Israeli preprint study showing that natural immunity from a prior Covid-19 infection is 13 times more effective than the “V-Word” against the delta variant.
We hope that last statement made it past the ‘bots.
And if it did, we hope the following quote from Berenson clears the ‘bots as well:
His last quote accurately noted that the V-Word “doesn’t stop infection. Or transmission.”
“Don’t think of it as a V-Word,” he added. “Think of it – at best – as a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile that must be dosed IN ADVANCE OF ILLNESS.”
“And we want to mandate it? Insanity.”
“This was the tweet that did it. Entirely accurate. I can’t wait to hear what a jury will make of this,” wrote Berenson on his substack blog, Unreported Truths.
Don’t Think of It
So, for printing what most presstitues are afraid print, Berenson has become another victim of Jack Dorsey’s censorship.
How long will it be – or what will it take – before the free-thinkers say “Hit the Road Jack” And don’t cha come back no more, no more, no more, no more…?
Presently, the sheeple are still on the CDC/government side.
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…
Once the vacksed are finally convinced they’re being experimented on for nefarious reasons, they will either revolt or they’ll be too damaged to put up any resistance.
As a result, it will be up to those of us who realize that Resistance is NOT Futile against these Globalist madmen.
Keep in mind that our monthly newsletter “…In Plain English” provides you simple solutions to complicated problems in dealing with the Great Reset crowd.
And at the same time, we show you how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times.
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