Independence Day 2021 was, as usual, a great time for celebration. However, there’s a group of people who are hell bent on dividing Americans one holiday at a time.
On the surface, it seemed like there were more Americans enjoying the 4th of July holiday with more fireworks, barbeques, and flags on display than in recent years.
Maybe it was because the O’Biden/Hologram crew threatened Americans earlier this year to cancel the 4th of July over not wearing a mask.
Or maybe it was because it’s summer. And more people are enjoying being free from lockdowns, masks, social distancing, and anything else related to the CoronaHoax.
Or maybe JUST MAYBE, the zeal for celebration this year was a way of most Americans to say “Eff You” to the party of peace and unity.
Dividing Americans
Like most holidays recently, the party of peace and unity took another shot at dividing Americans through their bought-and-paid-for media Presstitutes.
Before the PBS holiday celebration broadcast, they featured a former Miss America singing “The Black National Anthem.”
Wait! What?
Sorry folks, but this is about as divisive as you can get.
And, if this is the case then shouldn’t there be a “Hispanic National Anthem,” “An Asian-American National Anthem,” or how about a “Muslim National Anthem?”
Get my point?
Sad to say that these tactics – from a certain political party – are meant to divide and conquer America from within.
And it’s all part of pushing us down the slippery slope of being part of the GREAT RESET. (See Great Reset HERE)
But the good news is – in addition to most Americans who love and still believe in the greatness of America – we have millions of legitimate immigrants that also share our values.
They’re the ones who didn’t come here looking for handouts or freebies.
They came here because of opportunities they would never have in their native country.
More importantly they assimilated into our culture, learned to speak English, and for the most part, became successful beyond their wildest dreams simply because they believe in what America stands for.
I know this for a fact.
My wife is one of those successful legitimate immigrants who is still in awe and appreciative of what America offers.
And her sentiment is reflected by all of her fellow countrymen who also live in America.
This is how it should be.
And if we don’t resist these onslaughts to our way of life we will descend into another Civil War.
So, instead of dividing America one holiday at a time, we should remember that in spite of all of our nation’s problems, we’re still the best place to be on the planet.
We hope you share our sentiments.
And feel free to share this with friends and family members.
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