As predicted, Disney Demonizes Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis for signing the Parental Rights in Education Act.
Not surprisingly the Presstitutes call it the “don’t say gay act.”
Ironically (or NOT) those words don’t appear in the bill.
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…
Disney execs are hell bent on showing how “WOKE” they’ve become over this law.
This bill is about saving young children – kindergarten through third grade – from being taught about adult sexuality and gender theory.
Kudos to DeSantis for taking a stand against perversion and indoctrination of children.
And while the Disney leftists cry “homophobe” for those supporting this bill, you should remember that it was recently revealed that over 100 Disney employees were running a human trafficking operation.
Disney Demonizing DeSantis
In contrast to Disney’s aggressive stance against the bill DeSantis stated:
“They support sexualizing kids in kindergarten, they support injecting woke gender ideology into second-grade classrooms, they support enabling schools to ‘transition’ students to a ‘different gender’ without the knowledge of the parent, much less without the parent’s consent.”
Sad to say our Resident Brandon in Washington weighed in with his opinion.
Not surprisingly, he called the bill “hateful” and stated that his administration would be closely monitoring Florida public schools.
Maybe this is why Resident Brandon is pushing for a pedo- friendly judge to become the next Supreme Court Justice.
Or maybe Brandon needs a pedo-friendly judge on the court knowing that she’ll overlook the child porn found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Or Maybe JUST MAYBE good guys like Ron DeSantis threaten the very existence of a WOKE agenda that’s being exposed in Disney AND the elite pedophiles in our government.
As a result, their dark side is being revealed.
And their only response is to Demonize DeSantis.
The good news is DeSantis isn’t afraid of them because he knows the truth.
But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not him that sent me.
~John 15: 21~
The Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes want you to believe that World War III is only about Russia.
But the truth is it’s more about Good vs Evil.
And the Disney’s Demonization of DeSantis is the tip of the iceberg.
Think we’re kidding?
See for yourself in our April issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they oppose pedophilia.
They’ll thank YOU later.
And remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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