To say that the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes are basically Dishonest Propaganda Artists may, indeed be a compliment.
We’ve been saying for years that mainstream media outlets like CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, YouTube, etc. are owned and act on behalf of their Wall Street overlords.
How else could they have covered up the biggest hoax in history – perpetrated on the entire world – over a virus that’s not much different than the common cold?
Hitler, and his top Dishonest Propaganda Artist, Josef Goebbels, pale by comparison to the damage today’s DPA’s have inflicted on the world.
Unfortunately, we still haven’t been able to assess the long-term damage to the global economy from these cretins and their evil Green New World Order agenda.
However, a light at the end of the tunnel has recently appeared.
German Health Minister Jens Spahn has come out and publicly admitted that the lockdowns were too harsh and uncalled for.
Yes, that’s right.
Someone with Spahn’s credentials admitting the lockdowns were “uncalled for” gives hope for all of us who’ve been calling this a fraud from the beginning.
The hope now is there will be investigations to expose this conspiracy as a means of crashing the economy in order to justify the Great Reset.
Keep in mind, this entire Fraud has been funded by Billionaires who come across as experts on viruses, CO2, population growth, and Marxist Equality (Cough! Bill Gates, Cough! Mandatory Vaccines, Cough!).
The funding also includes the DPA’s who’ve led the conspiracy by fear mongering and shoving their garbage down your throat 24/7.
The real irony here would be if we end up seeing all the players involved spend the rest of their lives being taken care of while enjoying perfect Marxist equality behind bars.
Stranger things have happened.
Be sure to read our September issue of “…In Plain English” where, despite the challenges ahead, we show you how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times.
It’s Not Just About Finance.
To say that the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes are basically Dishonest Propaganda Artists may, indeed be a compliment.
We’ve been saying for years that mainstream media outlets like CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, YouTube, etc. are owned and act on behalf of their Wall Street overlords.
How else could they have covered up the biggest hoax in history – perpetrated on the entire world – over a virus that’s not much different than the common cold?
Hitler, and his top Dishonest Propaganda Artist, Josef Goebbels, pale by comparison to the damage today’s DPA’s have inflicted on the world.
Unfortunately, we still haven’t been able to assess the long-term damage to the global economy from these cretins and their evil Green New World Order agenda.
However, a light at the end of the tunnel has recently appeared.
German Health Minister Jens Spahn has come out and publicly admitted that the lockdowns were too harsh and uncalled for.
Yes, that’s right.
Someone with Spahn’s credentials admitting the lockdowns were “uncalled for” gives hope for all of us who’ve been calling this a fraud from the beginning.
The hope now is there will be investigations to expose this conspiracy as a means of crashing the economy in order to justify the Great Reset.
Keep in mind, this entire Fraud has been funded by Billionaires who come across as experts on viruses, CO2, population growth, and Marxist Equality (Cough! Bill Gates, Cough! Mandatory Vaccines, Cough!).
The funding also includes the DPA’s who’ve led the conspiracy by fear mongering and shoving their garbage down your throat 24/7.
The real irony here would be if we end up seeing all the players involved spend the rest of their lives being taken care of while enjoying perfect Marxist equality behind bars.
Stranger things have happened.
Be sure to read our September issue of “…In Plain English” where, despite the challenges ahead, we show you how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times.
It’s Not Just About Finance.
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