Whenever I write about political/media corruption, someone complains by saying “What does this have to do with the markets?”
Let me explain it in one word.
You see, corruption – or “Fake News,” – is at the heart of destroying our liberties. It’s also used to sway or manipulate markets to your disadvantage.
Temporarily this can affect huge market dislocations ultimately costing you a fortune. (Notice I said “Temporarily?”)
The good news is, the markets have a way of correcting themselves by flushing out the majority of investors who “feel this or that should happen.”
Let me remind you, the markets don’t care about your opinion or how you feel.
However, the disinformation by the Whores-of-Babble-On Media presstitutes is a cover-up because they know they’re losing the battle for control of the public.
They want you to be dependent on government and by temporarily destroying the markets they’ll offer more socialist solutions.
The truth is, promises of socialism are coming apart at the seams.
Unfortunately, in order to retain power our government becomes more aggressive when it comes to enforcing taxation.
This will ultimately fail. And the blowback from it ultimately increases separatist movements leading to inevitable violence. (France, Hong Kong, etc.)
Starting in 2020, The Year of Chaos, our elections will likely be the most violent we’ve ever seen in this country.
The good news is, it will also be one of the greatest investment opportunities of our lifetime.
In order to recognize opportunities, you must know how to filter the increasing Dishonest Disinformation.
Learn how HERE.
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