The most corrupt administration in America – along with their bought-and-paid-for Media Presstitutes and Big-Pharma Boyz – are desperate to keep Covid alive.
Because keeping Covid alive enables them to:
- Tighten the screws of control over the Sheeple
- Encourage the Presstitutes to double-down on the fear-factor
- Give the Big-Pharma Boyz 100s of Billions in more illegal/immoral profits
- Keep you in a Constant State of Agitation
And that’s why we’re hearing more about the re-issuing of mask mandates.
Unfortunately (for them) there is a groundswell of resistance already rising against these New World Order/Great Reset/Build Back Better Boyz.
Rightfully so.
And a high-profile lawyer friend (who wishes to remain anonymous) explains why “…In Plain English” in the following meme.
Keeping Covid Alive
We’ve said it before and will say it again; keeping Covid alive is another front for ushering in more Climate Change controls which will include:
- More lockdowns
- Issuing digital currencies (CBDCs)
- Social Credit Scores
- Smart Cities (15-minute Cities)
And God help you if you don’t agree with their narrative.
What Can You Do?
This entire mask BS is going to get ugly.
Unless, when the first big corporation that bows to the government and requires MASKS gets taken down by it’s customers.
And that precedent has already been established.
So, in order to get our freedom back, we’ll have to bankrupt a Fortune 500 company as an example that we’re not going to take it anymore.
It’s the only smart play.
Focus all the cannons on the first offender and take it down fast.
In the process you must remember that these Boyz are desperate to keep Covid alive and use every dirty trick imaginable.
But remember: The Madness Ends When Enough People Say NO!
Meanwhile, the markets keep chugging along confirming that we’re still in The Most Hated Bull Market in History.
So, learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times every month in our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
And for the next few days you can take advantage of our 50% off savings by entering the code 8v32 (HERE) at the checkout.
Share this with a friend…especially if they’d love helping take down a corrupt Big Corporation.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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