If you’re paying attention, you’ll see that the deprogramming of the Covid narrative is underway and gaining momentum.
Cue up: Canadian Truckers
The scene in western Canada is truly a phenomenon AND an inspiration for the world.
And now truckers in Australia – inspired by the Canadians – are staging a peaceful protest of their own.
Rightfully so.
The Aussies seemed to have kowtowed to Nazi like oppression and it would appear – until recently – that most of the population bought into the Covid narrative.
Covid Narrative Losing Momentum…FAST
Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes continue to do their job by:
- Not reporting/underreporting the truth
- Trying to make it seem like the Truckers are terrorists
- Doing the bidding of their Wall Street AND Globalist Overlords by pushing the Psy-OP (psychological operation) narrative to keep people in fear of a virus with a 99.7% recovery rate.
But the cracks in the Covid armor are getting bigger every day.
And just because you don’t hear or see anything about in most medias doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
The problem lies with the fact that a large part of the world has been programmed into thinking it’s a good thing to give up freedoms from the Covid narrative hoping for security in return.
But history proves that it doesn’t end well.
In fact, history proves that the end result is usually war.
And war is raising its ugly head with Russia and China looking to be the boogie man to blame.
But…and this is a Very Very BIG BUTT…
All wars are Bankster wars.
That’s right.
Banksters historically profit the most from wars.
It’s how they maintain control and stay in business.
And they make sure the MIC makes fortunes from all the weaponry/bombs/ammo and technology sold.
It also gives TPTB (The Powers That Be) great cover to pull off a Man-Made Depression in 2022.
It’s truly amazing the lengths these cretins will go to maintain control. Especially when they know that the deprogramming of the Covid Narrative is underway.
The good news is they’ll ultimately lose.
The bad news is they’ll inflict a lot of pain in the process.
So, don’t be surprised if the market takes a beating in February and March.
At the same time, be sure to read our February newsletter to see how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they don’t need deprogramming from the covid narrative.
And tell them We’re Not Just About Finance.
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