If you’ve been reading our posts/emails for any length of time you’ll know what we mean when we say how we’re cramming our experience/wisdom into your emails.
However, there’s one problem with that.
It’s impossible for us to take our 109+ combined years of experience on Wall Street and give it all to you in a short email.
At the same time, we’re very pleased when we hear from readers, like Jeff, who wrote: “James, I’ve learned more about investing from your emails than I ever learned in college or by watching the financial news.”
Thanks, Jeff.
Your kind words remind us of the saying:
“A Man With An Experience is NEVER At the Mercy of a Man With a Theory!”
You see, unlike most of the talking heads on Financial News Media – the vast majority who operate on theory only – we don’t read from a script.
Nor do we ring bells and whistles and pound the table over certain stocks “That You MUST OWN” in order to make money.
Cramming Experience/Wisdom
On Wall Street that’s called “Talking Your Book.”
Translation: Whenever a “talking head” or famous guru guest speaker promotes a certain stock, chances are they’re trying to:
- Get you to buy it because they own it at a much lower price…OR
- They want to dump it and need more support from the unsuspecting public to increase the volume
- OR, their Institutional Overlords are swapping their portfolios among themselves.
They call it “balancing their books.” But basically, it’s another way for them to cover-up some of their major screw-ups.
The point is we can only cram so much of our experience in a few paragraphs on a post or email.
That’s why we offer a monthly newsletter for subscribers only.
(Yes, this is another shameless plug)
And if you like our daily content, you’ll love what we publish on a monthly basis.
Unlike the daily stuff, our “…In Plain English” newsletter goes into great detail about how the investment world operates behind the cloak of darkness secrecy.
And we give you specific ways to prosper AND thrive in turbulent times.
Best of all, we simplify Wall Street in a language that’s easy for you to understand and put to use.
So, why not give it a try for as little as $15 for one month.
Chances are you spend a lot more than $15 on lattes and/or snacks at a coffee shop.
And, as we are wont to say…We’re Not Just About Finance.
If you’re not ready to spend $15, you can try it out for FREE.
Simply go to our home page (HERE) and scroll down until you see 1st Newsletter FREE and click on it.
And share this with a friend…they’ll thank YOU later.
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