March 2025
March 6, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Covid’s Not Even a Blip on Pandemic Radar

History clearly shows that when there is a real Pandemic, people drop like flies.  But in the case of Covid-19 – aka CoronaFraud – it’s not even a blip on the radar screen.

Want proof?

Look at the following:



Not Even a Blip

For those who might be chart challenged, Covid-19 ranks at the bottom with a whopping 0.03% death rate.

Technically it doesn’t even qualify as a Pandemic.

And yet the whole world has been shut down, economies destroyed, millions of lives ruined while millions of sheeple still cower in fear.

Fear over what?

Look at the chart again.

AND this includes all of the fabricated deaths attributed to Covid that, in effect, were actually caused by Cancer, Pneumonia, Heart Disease, Obesity, Diabetes, Strokes, Auto and Motorcycle accidents, etc.

Even the CDC admitted last year that only 6% of the reported deaths from Covid were solely related to Covid.

Do the math.

6% of 2.7 Million = 162,000.


Yes, you read that right.

And 162,000 out of 7.9 Billion = 0.0000205063%.

And yet the sheeple are lining up in droves to be injected with experimental DNA gene therapy drugs cloaked under the guise of “vaccinations.”

Once again, let us remind you to Follow the Money.

Besides the Big Pharma companies, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, AND the CDC own patents on vaccines.


But here’s where it gets really creepy.

Gates said with a big grin that the second pandemic WILL make you a believer.

So, wanna wager on the true intention of all these so-called “vaccines”?

Someone should tell the mRNA genetic therapy loving folks that the next virus will directly target that spike in protein your body is now manufacturing.

Oh, Wait!

We did tell you that in our March Newsletter (HERE).

We also told you that weakening the ACE2 enzyme is also a 100% guaranteed death sentence in terms of arterial damage over time.

Not a Pandemic

So, when someone mentions the word Pandemic to you, show them the above chart.

And point out what legitimate pandemics do compared to the CoronaHoax…Which is not even a blip on the radar.


And if you haven’t watched the video about the potential future effects of the current vaccinations (See it HERE), what are you waiting for?

Feel free to share this with someone.

And be sure to tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.



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