After four years of deceit, cover-up, and multiple crimes against humanity it’s easy to see how Covid was a dress rehearsal.
But a dress rehearsal for what?
Before answering that, let’s consider a recent announcement from the World Health Organization (WHO) how they’re watering down of some provisions in its Pandemic Agreements ahead of their upcoming World Health Assembly on May 27th.
In its original form the “Pandemic Agreement” (first seen in early 2023 and called Pandemic Treaty) aimed to “…effectively centralize and increase the power of the WHO if it declares a HEALTH EMERGENCY.”
Translation: It is about ceding authority to the WHO to restrict citizens’ rights to free speech, privacy, movement (especially travel across borders) and informed consent.
This is about as nefarious as it gets.
And it is also the biggest power grab ever at the global level.
But Who Runs the WHO?
The Director-General of the WHO is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus…who is NOT a doctor.
In fact, prior to the WHO Tedros was a previously a senior leader of a Marxist Rebel Group (and designated terrorist organization) that deposed the prior communist dictatorship in Ethiopia.
This was done to set up their own war (and foment 3 other wars) before being deposed…only to start another ethnic war (and maybe an ethnic cleansing campaign, depending on your definition of the same).
Tedros’s highest individual accomplishment was covering up Ethiopia’s 3 Cholera epidemics in the last 20 years.
And this treaty that they desperately want everyone to sign, would give them unprecedented power.
Ironically (or NOT) Trump was right (again) about wanting to defund the WHO.
Fortunately (for now) the WHO continues to face resistance.
Recently, Louisiana and Florida passed laws stating that state officials will not obey WHO directives.
And on May 8, attorneys general from 22 states signed a letter to President Joe Biden urging him not to sign the WHO agreements, and stating that they will resist any attempts by the WHO to set public health policy in their states.
That’s all fine and dandy (FOR NOW).
But these people are relentless.
And that’s why you need to read “Why Covid Was a Dress Rehearsal…and What You Should be Doing in Preparation for the next Fake Pandemic” (HERE).
Or check it out in our May edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
And share this with a friend…even if they still wear a mask. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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