Just over a year ago we lived through the Covid Crash when everyone thought the world was coming to an end.
Ironically (or NOT) the recovery from last year’s meltdown was simply amazing.
We called it “The Bungee Jump Market.”
As usual, most people either got burned by selling into the crash or they didn’t have much cash on hand to take advantage of great buying opportunities.
Boring stocks like UPS and Loew’s have doubled in the last year leaving the guru wannabe crowd lamenting: “I shoulda, coulda, woulda…”
One year later, you’re looking at the major indexes at all time highs and looking tired.
So, what happens next?
Cue up:
Covid Crash Part II
We’re near a point where the risk in the markets has more downside than upside.
And most of that is from the stealth inflation, which is often mistaken for a booming economy.
Unfortunately, most investors are myopic in that they only see things from a local standpoint.
Around the world we’re seeing tremendous shortages – thanks to Covid – pushing prices higher.
And the coldest winter in 104 years in Europe has wiped out 80% of the French wine crop.
Translation: Your Cabs and Merlots are will be more expensive.
And remember, last year we coined 2021, When the Great Reset and Food Shortages Hit Home.
And how about those oil prices?
You can rest assured that the Oil Cartel will adjust their output to inflict the most pain on economies dependent on fossil fuels.
Adding gasoline to the fire (pun intended) the conspiracy over the CoronaFraud continues seemingly without end.
Lest we forget, let’s give credit to the O’Biden/Hologram crew for oil prices, CoronaFraud AND imminent tax hikes.
And if the brain-dead Congress Critters remain intent upon eliminating capital gains (COUGH! Biden’s tax proposal, COUGH!) you should expect the markets to panic.
Anyone with significant long-term gains will sell now to avoid being forced to pay the significant taxes under the new proposal.
So, will the markets follow the old adage “Sell in May and go away?”
Upgrade to our premium content and find out in our May issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
And share this with a friend…they’ll thank YOU later.
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