March 2025
March 6, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Comply or Face the Consequences = “Cha-Ching”

Without saying it outright, O’Biden’s handlers have said that Americans need to comply or face the consequences.

But now they’re being careful about using certain words.

Example: the word lockdown” puts the markets in a tailspin, and O’Biden’s handlers have been careful not to mention this keyword in his speeches.

But they’ve made it clear that taking the vaccination could potentially prevent another lockdown.

Question: What part of “It doesn’t work” don’t they understand?

The truth is, in between the lines is a subtle threat:


Comply or Face the Consequences

And without a doubt this means that Big Pharma is already hearing their cash registers go “Cha-Ching.”

Don’t you find it odd that – upon the announcement of the new “Moronic” variant – Moderna’s stock jumped 87 points in two days?

I understand that’s how Wall Street plays the game.

But what I don’t understand is how no one understands the new “Moronic” variant…but there is allegedly a vaccination in production that could be available by early 2022.


This should raise many serious questions about how wrong it is to introduce more experimental drugs to fight something they don’t understand.

Instead, governments are asking:  How are we going to fight COVID this winter?

And for now, they’re saying not with shutdowns or lockdowns, but with “more widespread vaccinations, boosters, testing, and more.”

Here’s the problem.

No government will ever admit this was a mistake.

And you can rest assured that in order to protect their benefactors (Cough! Big Pharma, Cough! Wall Street, Hairball Cough!) they definitely won’t admit that Ivermectin can kill the “Moronic” variant as well.



One other point:  If you got vaxxed – and then claim that the unvaxxed are risking your life – that means that the vaccines do not work.

But…and this is a Very Big Butt… causing division between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed does work.

And it’s a powerful weapon they’re using on the road to perdition.

Toss in a Man-Made Depression in 2022 and you’re looking at a recipe for disaster to the economy.

The Globalists want to destroy the economy (AGAIN) and then force more lockdowns.

It’s that simple.

But it’s a desperation move and – as we are wont to say –they will ultimately fail.

Learn why they will fail and how to prosper AND thrive from it in our monthly newsletter “…In Plain English” (HERE).

Share this with a friend…especially if they refuse to comply.

They’ll thank YOU later.

And tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.





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