March 2025
March 6, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Coke…Teaching You to Be Less White

Warren Buffets favorite stock (Coke) has come under fire recently for adopting a policy of Teaching You to Be Less White.

Wait! What?

Let that sink in for a moment and try to imagine what would happen if your company said:

  1. Try to be less black
  2. Or try to be less Hispanic
  3. Or try to be less Asian…etc.


So then why can Coca Cola tell their staff to be less white?


“Coke” is now “Woke?”


Seriously, the whole idea of “Teaching you to be less white” is a 2021 version of how Hitler transformed Germany’s Third Reich…only in reverse.

Coke’s new policy is implying that all white people are bad and need to be reprogrammed.

So, this, in itself, is 100% pure racism against whites.

From their training manual…



Maybe Coke should discontinue to make Vanilla Coke, because it’s too white?

Or maybe they’ll change their slogan to “Brown Beverages Matter?”

Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, the “Wokeness” of Coke is yet another example of the increasing division among Americans.

And it’s one of the greatest threats we face as a nation.

Ironically (or NOT) it’s all part of the Globalist agenda to bring about the Great Reset which is designed to divide, conquer, and make everyone dependent on government.


Learning to be less white

If we continue down this slippery slope of reverse racism towards “Privileged White People,” you should expect an increase in the division, hatred, and animus from the party of unity and love.

And now we have the O’Biden/Hologram administration pouring gasoline on fires of corporate America trying to teach us to be less white.

Just look at increasing prices at the gas pump, groceries, utilities, insurance – and almost anything else you can think of – and it’s easy to see how this will all be blamed on evil and “privileged white people.”

That’s why corporate America (COUGH! Coke, COUGH!) wants to make you kowtow to this nefarious and globalist agenda.

It’s also further evidence that 2021, When the Great Reset and Food Shortages Hit Home, should serve as a wake-up call to the Loss of Confidence in Government.

It’s how ALL empires collapse.

But the good news is there are certain steps you can take to hedge against – what was once inevitable – which is now imminent.

Learn those steps in our March edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).

And share this with a friend.

Especially if they’re not afraid of being white.

They’ll thank You later.

We’re Not Just About Finance.

P.S. Short Coke (before WallStreetBets/Redditt Rebels does) and buy Pepsi.




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