Contrary to an international treaty – signed by over 120 countries – the US is sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine.
Wait! What?
In case you missed it, Cluster Bombs kill more civilians than soldiers.
And are one of the most lethal weapons that destroy any territory, which is why they are banned by the international treaty.
The United States, of course, refuses to sign the treaty.
The Neocons – who have taken over the White House – block anything that reduces their blood-thirsty hatred of Russians and Chinese.
Ironically (or NOT) the US has maintained that Cluster Bombs are a war crime in themselves.
And yet, the United States intends to send Cluster Bombs to Ukraine.
Again, WHY?
Our Neocons care nothing about international law.
Nor do they care about the opinion others have of America.
They only care about furthering their agenda to start WW3.
Sadly, these criminals in the District of Caligula are keeping America divided using abortion, LGBTQ ideology, and pushing transgenderism on minor children.
And as we’ve said many times, this is all to divert our attention from the cold hard reality that the United States has undergone a coup where the Neocons are now in full control of the government.
And they are hell bent on waging WW3.
The CIA – and the remainder of the alphabet organizations…FBI, etc. – will ensure the vote is rigged in 2024.
Mostly because there is no way they will allow anyone to come to Washington to stop this war they have dreamed about their entire lives.
Multiple Cluster Bombs to Ukraine
It’s a well-documented fact that Cluster Bombs typically scatter a large number of smaller so-called bomblets over a large area that can kill or maim unwary civilians months or years later.
It’s the Neocons gift that keeps on giving.
See for yourself in the following letter…
Sad to say, the Boyz running the country “Behind the Curtain” will stop at nothing to accomplish their nefarious agenda.
And they don’t care how the end justifies the means.
If there was ever a situation that you hope would never happen, it would be to have Cluster Bombs all over Ukraine.
Yet, O’Biden and company are moving forward with these inhumane bombs.
Ironically (or NOT) it was just over a year ago when White House Press secretary Jen Psaki said that the use of Cluster Bombs is a War Crime.
How quickly these Liberals change their story.
Be sure to read how this affects the shift towards WW3 in our July newsletter (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they support going to war in Ukraine.
They’ll thank You later.
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