Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Climate Change…the Cover for Default

As the Climate Change War increases most people will not recognize it for what it truly is…the cover for default.


Wait! What?




To be more specific, Sovereign defaults…plural.

And the Presstitutes have done a great job fooling the public into thinking that the war in Ukraine is over democracy.


It is not.


Never has been and never will be.

But it has allowed the globalists to pull off the biggest money-laundering scam in history.


And when it morphs into World War 3 is when you’ll see the rationale for multiple Sovereign defaults…starting in 2025.

Which will eventually include the USA.


“Gasp! That’s blasphemy.”


Ironically (or NOT) WAR has always been a great excuse for nations to default on their debt.




Because it allows them to justify all their mismanagement theft of taxpayer dollars under the guise of “patriotic duty” to save their nation.


And as Ukraine has become ground zero for pulling the entire world into war, history will remember it as The Climate Change War.



Under the Cover for Default



Do the math.


  • It’s mathematically impossible for most nations to pay off their government debt
  • At $35+ Trillion, the USA is leading the pack
  • Ukraine’s little pimp/comedian-President Zelensky refuses to negotiate with Putin and still believes they can destroy Russia’s economy by destroying the use of fossil fuels (50% of Russia’s GDP is based on energy)
  • As war collapses/drains most nations resources, Sovereign Defaults increase
  • This will usher in the Central Banks wet dream of “Digital Currencies” and a cashless society
  • Climate Change zealots will then use “Social Credit Scores” to determine your ability to access their newly designed digital money


Think we’re making this up?

China has been implementing “Social Credit Scores” (for several years) to determine who gets what.


But on the flip side, China is also funding billions to build coal and nuclear plants for their energy needs.

And they – along with North Korea – will back Russia in World War 3.

In the meantime, the West blindly leads us all down the path of destruction using Climate Change as a cover to accelerate war and eventually force sovereign defaults.


The question is:  Who will be first?


Currently, England is looking like they will be the first to default, with Japan running a close second place.

But…and this is a very VERY Big Butt…

Europe (now that both France and Germany’s government have recently collapsed) might jump to the front of the line as they freeze this winter without fuel to heat their homes.


Learn how this will rock certain markets – and how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times – in our December issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).

And share this with a friend…especially if they believe in the Climate Change War. They’ll thank YOU later.



And tell them:


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