What little we know about China’s latest lockdown/zero-COVID tolerance policy is akin to throwing gasoline on an inferno.
Cue up: Shanghai…the world’s busiest shipping port.
What we do know is that China extended their lockdown indefinitely.
And in addition to trapping an estimated 25 million Chinese in their homes, the ripple effect from non-functioning shipping ports will have a devastating effect on the global economy via the supply chain.
Industry experts say that the Port of Shanghai does four times the volume of the Port of Los Angeles (America’s largest shipping port).
So, if you think supply shortages are bad now you can expect them to get worse.
Much worse.
During the first week that the ports in China were prohibited from operating, volume was estimated to be down 40%.
But Wait!
There’s More.
There is no set date for when the port will resume operation.
Let that sink in for a moment.
Gasoline on an Inferno
It’s bad enough that the global supply chain was severely disrupted first by the CoronaHoax and – more recently – sanctions against Russia.
But now with a lack of available workers in China – from their lockdowns which are crippling the supply chain – you can expect shipping costs (gasoline, etc.,) for everything to rise significantly.
Translation: Out of control inflation will become MORE out of control…with no end in sight.
And this will only exacerbate the cost of food that must be transported from point A to point B.
As a result, you should expect the Resident Brandon in DC to claim that “…it’s all Putin’s fault.”
But here’s the point.
Last year we said you can expect a Man-Made Depression in 2022.
And when Stinky Joe said to expect food shortages in the future, it was a sign that this has already been planned in advance.
Sanctions against Russia, Europe’s economic collapse, a proxy war in Ukraine, and China’s zero-COVID tolerance policy/lockdowns are all MAN-MADE.
And before you know it the Globalist Boyz in the “Club” will be resurrecting their bogus “most dangerous threat to the planet” is – drum roll, please – Climate change.
It’s a classic case of Wash, Rinse, Repeat.
Supply Chain and the Great Reset
Only this time the repeat portion will come in the form of a virtual 2 X 4 smacking you upside the head screaming for your submission to the Great Reset.
If you think we’re exaggerating we remind you that EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED…EVERYTHING.
China knows this.
And they also know the global shift in power is in their favor as the Western nations accelerate their self-destruction.
Stay on top of this by reading our April edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Your financial future AND survival may just depend on it.
And share this with a friend.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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