The undermining of America on a global basis can be attributed – in part – to the anagram “China Fraud Tony.”
AKA: Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Go ahead…mix the letters around and see for yourself.
Ironically (or NOT) Dr. Anthony Fauci keeps popping up in the news lately linking him to the Wuhan Lab in China.
And quite possibly crimes against millions of lives around the world from Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on Mankind. (Should We InvestiGates story)
But don’t expect the Whores-Of-Babble-On/Big Tech Presstitutes to tell you the truth.
And the truth is, exposing Fauci will undermine the O’Biden/Hologram administration.
Do you remember when the Communist News Network CNN ran a death clock on Covid while Trump was President?
Ironically (or NOT) the death clock was removed from their broadcasts as soon as O’Biden became president.
This is nothing new.
And it certainly shouldn’t surprise you how CNN is a major player in the conspiracy against the American people.
Of course, they’re the first to call us “Conspiracy Theorists” for disagreeing with their nefarious agenda.
Downside of China Fraud Tony
Unfortunately, there’s a downside with the China Fraud Tony mess.
It allows our crooked media to continue to trash the image of America around the world.
The net results?
Their corruption stokes the fires of hatred towards America which ultimately leads to war.
When you toss in the Cancel Culture mentality, Big Tech Censorship, banning people from Twitter, Farcebook, etc. and it’s quite obvious that the boyz will cover their tracks.
And not much will come from this entire “China Fraud Tony” mess.
Except more distractions.
Unfortunately, that’s what we’re up against.
But – and this a BIG BUT – it’s going to accelerate the Collapse in Confidence in governments around the world.
And the markets will go crazy.
The upside to all of this is how we’re seeing a New Great Awakening taking place in America.
It may not be obvious yet.
And the Presstitutes will do everything in their power to discredit it.
But, for those with “ears to hear” the New Great Awakening will give you the opportunities of a lifetime.
Learn more about it in our June issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
You don’t want to miss this issue.
So, if you’ve thought about joining our free-thinkers group, now is the time to make it happen.
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