Now that the True Story about Covid is being revealed by the CDC, no one seems to want to talk about it.
But we do.
But first, consider this…
The CDC implements policy. And it is also responsible for measuring how they did versus the implemented policy.
Anyone else see a problem here?
And does anyone else (besides us) remember how the FDA and mainstream media gaslighted the public into believing there was no available treatment for the coronavirus?
And how they laughed at those who believed in holistic methods or the parasite treatment Ivermectin?
At the same time, they made fun of and shamed people who dared to go against their anti-ivermectin campaign.
Social media platforms were strongarmed by the government to remove any post related to Ivermectin treatment.
Commentators who discussed successful treatment with Ivermectin were silenced.
And the FDA launched its own campaign to dispel “misinformation” that they are now admitting was true all along.
READ: Getting Presstittes to Report the Truth December 12, 2022 (HERE)
Adding insult to much misery, the FDA is now agreeing to remove all social media posts denying the effectiveness of ivermectin.
But, as expected, lawyers for the corrupt government agency deny that the FDA made any recommendations.
What a bunch of serial liars.
Want proof?
The FDA had known since at least 2015 that ivermectin was safe for human consumption. But they dismissed it as a veterinarian medication throughout the pandemic and promoted dangerous propaganda.
Sadly, simply removing social media posts does not seem like a sufficient sentence for what the government did.
Their “misinformation” caused people to lose their livelihoods and, worse, caused unnecessary deaths.
Adding more insult to even more injury, this week the CDC Released a Hidden Trove Of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Reports.
Some of those reports include…
- Sudden Cardiac Death in Younger Persons up 66% (that’s equal to a 21 sigma move in market volatility), with Lockdown Drug Abuse Mortality removed from the data.
- Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey revealed
- Embalmers working twice as long to remove clots so bodies can be embalmed…
- By the middle of 2021 the clots began to appear on embalmers tables in 44% of the bodies
2022 – 30% clotted
2023 – down to 20%
These numbers correlate with reduced “uptake” of vaxx booster recipients - 20-30 percent of deaths now contain clots
Question: Where were all the apologies when the unvaxxed were unharmed?
Ironically (or NOT) last summer they rolled out the newest booster and only 3% of the original vaxxed got the booster
Why only 3%?
Because they knew they were had.
No one.
Not a single one of us.
Regret not taking it. 💉
So, What’s In Store for 2024 for the Big Pharma stocks?
Read our upcoming April newsletter (HERE) to see who survives the slaughter.
In the meantime, READ: Is It Time to Short Pfizer? October 21, 2023 (HERE)
Share this with a friend…even if they took the clot shot. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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