Do you remember the James Bond movie “Tomorrow Never Dies?” It was the one featuring a media mogul who...
Politicians have been rigging elections since ancient times. In 2016 the Democrats did everything possible to put Hillary in office....
Contrary to popular belief, Planned Parenthood has been supporting Black Genocide since it was founded nearly 100 years ago....
Ever since the protests over George Floyd’s death were hijacked into looting, rioting, burning cities and erasing history, I became...
It appears as if the cretins behind the CoronaFraud are effectively parroting “Orwellian Speak” as a way to keep...
The Democrats continue to commit political suicide by over-playing the race card. We’ve been saying for a long time...
Of all places, BLM protesters in Scotland were recently seen holding signs that said “Kill a White on Sight.”...
Washington and Wall Street have been in bed together for over 100 years. Their relationship is nothing short of...
August 4, 2019 24-year-old Conner Stephen Betts went on a shooting rampage in Dayton, Ohio murdering 9 and injuring...
According to yesterday’s “official” jobless number we’ve lost over 40 Million jobs resulting from the CoronaFraud. (We estimate the...