The unsettling threat of Lockdowns 2.0 is becoming a reality. With all the political chaos around the world we’re...
The Globalists dreams are coming true as China reports they could be on the brink of exhausting its massive...
Now that Ruth Ginsberg has joined John McCain, Elijah Cummings and Papa Bush in her final destination, you can...
One of the long-standing tenets of our FinancialsMatter website is that Everything is Connected…Everything. For some people it’s hard...
Right about the time you think things might get back to normal and you can go out and enjoy...
Although the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a national public health institute in the United States...
CDC director, Robert Redfield, has come out and bluntly stated that there have been far more deaths from suicides...
Is it just me or is anyone else surprised at how quiet the media is regarding the arrest and...
It’s easy to tell when you’ve struck a nerve with someone when your social media accounts get blocked. Not...
Is it just me or does anyone else see a trend here? Black McDonald’s franchise owners are suing their...