The four most dangerous words in the investment world are: “This time is different.” And the wannabe Goo Roos purposely...
Reports out of China about strange cases of a weird strain of pneumonia/respiratory disease is the precursor for the Plandemic...
Would someone please “Fact Check” this woman who said there is over Half A Million dead from extreme heat. At the...
Here are three questions to ask to determine if Fauci remains Above the Law. Did Fauci lie about his...
We mentioned this in the past but now it has become obvious how Blackrock owns Ukraine. And they are...
In case you missed it, Iran hacked Pennsylvania’s water system earlier this week. Cyber AV3ngers, the alleged Iranian hacker...
In case you missed it, New York is now legally allowed to put citizens in Quarantine camps. Wait! What?...
The surge of riots in Europe that you are seeing (or not seeing) is a result of the Irish riots...
In addition to the 2nd Amendment, there are plenty of good reasons why Americans won’t give up their guns. And...
We are told that inflation is supposedly around 5%. But when you consider the importance of numbers you will see...